
Wednesday, February 06, 2008


If you followed the Big Tuesday primary results you will know that in the Republican McCain was deprived of a clean sweep and Romney of any kind of sweep by the "conservative" votes that went to Huckabee(my absolutely favorite evangelical preacher) But conservatism in this context is very different from the conservatism of Burke. US conservatism is fiercely individualistic ,Burke celebrated the organic nation,US conservatism is fiercely opposed to government, Burke is not, US Conservatism is ready to tear the world apart in order to bring about the end of the welfare state and liberal morality,in other words it is either revolutionary or counter revolutionary. US conservatives celebrate change and innovation (our Canadian version of this new conservatism was called the common sense revolution)and accuse liberals and socialists of clinging to the past...a great reversal from te nineteenth century. But they have sufferred the consequences of being in power since the early eighties--they are the status quo and now the mantle of change ,a la Obama and Hillary, once again falls to liberals
