
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Individualism: Capitalism versus Social democracy


Here is the website of a New york times article on the issues we discuss in the works of Hayek and Dewey. Here is a similar debate in contemporary China


Max Weber's celebrated (and derided) thesis about the link between capitalism and calvinism still lives on.There is no smoking gun to decisively prove the thesis but there is tantalizing circumstantial evidence. Here is a review of a biography of the celebrated mogul , philantropist and strikebreaker Andrew Carnegie. He is a vintage specimen of the capitalist/calvinist ethos, and though a disciple of the now forgotten Herbert Spencer he came toAmerica from Scotland ,a Calvinist country http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/12/AR2006101201097.html

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Here is the speech of the Elder in GB Shaw'Too True to be Good" on the seismic shock felt in the twenties thirties by the discovery that Newton's laws didn't work in the realm of microphysics.
"yes sir: the universe of Isaac newton , which has been an imprgnable citadel of modern civilization for three hundred years,has crumbled like the walls of Jericho before teh criticism of Einstein. Newton's universe was the stonghold of rational determinism:the stars in their orbits obeyed immutably fixed laws:and when we turned from surveying their vastness to study the infinite littleness of the atoms,there too we found electrons in their orbits obeying the same universal laws.Every moment of time dictated and determined the following moment,and it was dictated and determined by the moment that came before it. Evrything was calculable: everything happened because it must: the commandmenst were erased from the tables of the law;and in their place came teh cosmic algebra: the equations of mathematicians. here wa my faith: here I found my dogma of infallibility: I who scorned alike the Catholic wit his dogma of free will,and the Protestant with his pretence of private judgment. And now -now-. The orbit of the elctron obeys no law:it chooses one path and rejects another:what is left of it:...all is caprice...p.84

Monday, October 02, 2006


Here is a link that helps us understand the decline of Judaism, Protestantism and Catholicism in recent years